Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Inexpensive DIY baby & sibling gift basket {TWINS}

So today, friends, I have some really great gift baskets to give to a friend expecting or one with a new arrival! It was a ton of fun and my 5 year old was really helpful too. Our friend had just had twins (twinnies- which was the nicknamed coined by their big sister!) and 2 other kids... so naturally we needed to welcome the babies and make the big kids feel good too!
So here's a simple and inexpensive way to spread the love!

So the first image is a complete twin gift. We, obviously made 2 of them- this is one of the two. The other picture is of the gift baskets made for the older siblings- a boy and a girl.

We started off with making t-shirts- $3 each. I grabbed t-shirts from the Dollar Store and iron on transfers from Hobby Lobby.
 Total $6

Next up was some snacks for the big brother and sister.
Some sugar to get them PUMPED UP! 
Total $3.

We gotta add a little bit of fun! Something to keep the kiddos busy when the twinnies are needing mom's attention. I purchased a book for each child that includes a listening CD and a sun-catcher to paint! As well as a little sanitizer to keep them clean and germ free! 
Total $6

Here's a shot of everything used to complete the big kid baskets!
Total $18!!!

I made a cute little label, taped it on and waalaah an inexpensive gift for the big kids!

And so, on to the twinnies!
Here is all the stuff I used to create the twinnies their 'Welcome to the World' gift box.
Included is character washcloths, plastic books- get the literature in young- it's VERY important. Even if they are just eating the books! I also included baby lotion and pacifiers!
Total $9!

Put it all together and there ya go! 
Welcome gifts for the twinnies!

This activity was a lot of fun for my daughter and I to create together for friends. Olivia was very particular as to what went where. She took a lot of pride in making these. It also teaches a valuable lesson of giving to and caring for others. We talked about how happy we would make our friend and that they would feel special. I reminded her how good it felt to get gifts when Emily was born. So, this project was more than a gift for friends. It was a way to teach my daughter how to be a kind and caring person. It taught her how to plan and create something others would love. 

I try to teach my girls that the world is filled with all kinds of people and we need to the people that help others and think about others as well. This was a great way to begin to instill this in my daughter!

Hopefully, you are blessed with a family member or friend bringing a little one into the world that you can do this for, too!

Please talk to me :) Share you thoughts and ideas!
Kelly xxoo

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