Monday, September 28, 2015

Ahhhh... It's that time of year...GROSS

School's back in session and we received the inevitable letter... Lice. I can already feel my head itch!!! Those disgusting little parasites that breed and live in human hair. SO GROSS. I will die if my children get those gross critters.

So I've read the Tea Tree oil is effective in thwarting off those little buggers. Here's an article:

Anyways, I'm using it as a deterrent. I've in the past put it in their shampoo. But tonight I forgot and blow dried Olivia's hair. Too late for the shampoo, so I decided to dilute it into a spray bottle. I don't want straight oil on my daughters hair but I don't want to send her defenseless. So... I diluted it with water. Yes- oil and water. Not sure how it would work obviously they separate. But, I was able to figure a quick solution. 

Grab them here:

I vigorously shook the spray bottle with a 4:1 water: oil mixture. Sprayed immediately on her hair, as I would hairspray. It smelled of Tea Tree oil which works for me! 

I'm not a scientist, just a mom desperate to not EVER have lice. This is my personal way to put my mind at peace. If you're like me, give it try- can't hurt.

I just got my bottle at the local Walmart by the vitamins. 

Good luck!

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