Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Teach your daughter - Mean Stinks campaign by Secret

Hey guys!!!
 So I have an awesome new love interest to share with you. It's called Mean Stinks- a girls anti-bully campaign by Secret. I came across it when I signed up to be a Girls on the Run coach. The ladies there had blue pinkies and I was like what was that for?  And so I googled it when I got home to see what the blue pinky deal was. And showed up from swab, I watched the videos and read a little about it.  I LOVED it. It's definitely geared towards high school kids because that's where a lot of the bullying happens and girls can be very mean. Buuuut since I liked it I thought… I could totally do something with this with my daughter. She's five and even girls at her age are mean so I came up with something more age appropriate for her. Here’s what I did:

First, I got the book the recess queen. We read it together and as we read we talked about bullying and how to treat other kids. I generalized to kids rather than just other girls- due to her age. We talked about the characters, how they were acting in the story and how the other kids in the story felt. Every couple pages, we tried to make connections to her school and friends. I really wanted to emotionally relate to the story and the idea behind it.

Then I showed her a couple of the clips of the Mean Stinks campaign. We talked about the videos and what was happening and things she could do in her school and with her friends. After that, we agreed that we would be nice to other people and other kids and that we would paint our pinkies blue to show that we believe in being nice to everybody and that...

I made a paper that said Mean Stinks and we colored it in together, talked about different ways we could be nice and revisited the story and what we read. We talked about what we would tell others if they ask us about our blue pinkies.

The next part is a video that she decided to make; she wanted to tell everybody that MEAN STINKS!
Check out OLIVIA!

I highly encourage you to purchase The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neill . Here is a link to the story if you would 
like to see/ listen to the story and do these activities with your child.

Hope you enjoy!
Please leave any comments below


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Magic Marker fun

Looking for a cool way to help your kiddo with their sight words, math facts or anything needing memorization. Tired of flashcards???

Check out this "magic trick" you child will LOVE! My favorite OT gave me the idea for this and I thought I'd pass it along.

All you need is:
A permanent marker
A Sharpie
A Q-tip
Something covered in aluminium foil ( this is a VHS tape- FINALLY a use for those honkers!)

First, have your child write the desired word or problem with Permanent marker. Be sure to supervise, I'm sure you don't want their work permanently on your table cloth or clothes!

Next have the child GO OVER the Sharpie with the Expo marker

Then have them use the Q-tip to trace the writing again. The Q-tip will erase the writing and your child has now practiced the word, problem,etc. THREE times! :) Plus using the different sized instruments will help their grip! BONUS!

Word erased:

You can wipe it to get the excess off and try a new word! 

Hope you enjoyed this post. I love finding fun ways for kiddos to practice and learn!
If you liked this, please share or share your experiences or ideas!